Are you in the over 30 K club??

I read in Stereophile that their average reader has invested around $33,000 in their home audio system. Wow, thats a load of money. In your observation does this seem accurate? My system consist of Krell, VPI, Dynavector, Audio Physic & Cardas and I put in together here on Audiogon for around $3,500 lightly used.
Are you in over $30,000 club? That's not list prices it's what you actually have paid.
dreadhead're not alone on this....a love of music and a need for hi end audio have nothing to do with each other.
It also would work the other way around
I doubt that when I'm enjoying that last breath of air I'll be thinking, "If I wouldn't have spent 30k on a music machine I'd have been happier."

You can't take it with you
Easy. Even with the deals I got on used equipment. I consider it my Beamer! And my boat!
I'm 52, oh, you mean money ?

What does 30K really get you, one component or more trouble$ ?