Welcome to the thread Mark.
For some reason I assumed you were from downunder, but when you said “coffee” you confused me. I expected to see flat white ?
Good things come from Downunder I have learned. We already discussed the wine.
But I was a little surprised at the Australian recommendation and not a NZ one.
Well sometimes the goose lays a golden egg in NZ.
But in this case its silver colored. And it’s not an actual egg but part of the Goose herself – the neck in this case.
We affectionately call it an ET Gooseneck here.
Just received
Sorry Mark – another ET2 mod :^(
Thank you Richard Krebs for coordinating.
At least we know what “this” thread is about ?
It's time we all met for a coffee.
For some reason I assumed you were from downunder, but when you said “coffee” you confused me. I expected to see flat white ?
Good things come from Downunder I have learned. We already discussed the wine.
But I was a little surprised at the Australian recommendation and not a NZ one.
Well sometimes the goose lays a golden egg in NZ.
But in this case its silver colored. And it’s not an actual egg but part of the Goose herself – the neck in this case.
We affectionately call it an ET Gooseneck here.
Just received
Sorry Mark – another ET2 mod :^(
Thank you Richard Krebs for coordinating.
Hell 643 posts on modifying a bloody tone arm!
At least we know what “this” thread is about ?