Vacuum Tube Display Case

I'm new to vacuum tubes and have accumulated a few dozen that are sitting in a cardboard box wrapped in packing material.

I'd rather put them into some sort of display case, maybe like the shallow, foam backed glass cases I have seen to display collectible coins or arrowheads, with labels. Seems like it would make an interesting conversation piece. At least to me, a budding tubophile.

Anyone have any suggestions, including sticking with the cardboard box?
Timing was good on this thread for me. I had mine scattered around in cardboard boxes like others. I just got myself organized by buying a wall mount adjustable open shelving unit at Home Depot. That was the easy part. I inventoried my collection with descriptions and (my) cost. Now that was work!

I have 6 or so bad tubes I can't seem to throw out either. Funny thing is that my bad tubes all came from (reputable) dealers. Some were received bad and some went bad soon after I got them. I was surprised about the amount of work involved to return a $100.00 bad tube once from a dealer. This guy was down right nasty to me. He said my tube testers are flawed. Hmmmm, the other tube he sent tested good as well as 3 more pairs I have here. Oh well, he did finally give in and send a replacement.
Most fishing equipment stores will carry plastic cases for storing lures etc. If you need a larger storage box go to a store that specializes in salt water fishing. If you want a higher quality case, go to a fly fishing specialty store, they have some real nice display/storage cases for fly tying supplies.