Output tube radiation exposure - thoughts?

Anyone out there give much thought to vacuum tube radiation exposure, especially the larger transmitting styles? I'm not sure what distances constitute a potential hazard and taking into account the effectiveness of standard tube cages if present. I recall it was considered a serious topic by some but not all of the ship's radio operators I sailed with in the past. Your impressions / experiences pls.
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Yup, A1marg is correct.

Audio equipment does not operate at UHF (Ultra High Frequencies) or related energies. No sweat man - only if you listen to "COSMIC OPERA" with a freq range of 2250 kHz to 10 gHz on a 100, 000 watt system with your head up against the transmitter dish - yikes!!
09-20-09: Viridian
I use tube gear and am unable to have children, so yes, I would say that there is a definite correlation.

Viridian, LMAO! Wait a minute.....that may explain why my children each have 12 fingers.......
When I listen to my tube amps I usually go into the next room to avoid those issues.
I thnk it has more to od with the voltage the tubes operate at, rather than the frequencies they are amplifying. I don't think there is a problem unitl you start getting into much higher voltages than any audio amplifier uses, But at those voltages, tubes can emit Xrays. May be an issue with CRTs, not sure.