Checking into that book a little bit, it's 576 pages long and sells for 45 bucks. The reviews on Amazon are uniformly positive and the author appears to be held in high regard. My guess is that after reading a book like this, I'd really know a lot more about loudspeakers (assuming I could understand what he's saying). But that may be just a teensy weensy bit of an overambitious reading task for someone like me, who has very little time even for listening. So, are you aware of anything more.....condensed?
Checking into that book a little bit, it's 576 pages long and sells for 45 bucks. The reviews on Amazon are uniformly positive and the author appears to be held in high regard. My guess is that after reading a book like this, I'd really know a lot more about loudspeakers (assuming I could understand what he's saying). But that may be just a teensy weensy bit of an overambitious reading task for someone like me, who has very little time even for listening. So, are you aware of anything more.....condensed?