Dgarretson, I did not visit the GamuT room until Sunday, but I don't believe any of the first floor or mezzanine rooms sounded at all good on Friday or even Saturday. Some never! The Acapella room, the YG room, and the Synergistic Research rooms were examples of what I am saying. I would concede that the YG room sounded better than I have ever heard YGs sound, but on Sunday they were much better.
You are suggesting that manufacturers are failing those that attend. I agree, but most can do very little about this as they cannot install until Thurs. and often the equipment has just been finished up for this show and even CES.
I have been to at least forty "shows" and have never heard any exception. I must say that this is only one of the problems, however. Lousy rooms are another. I remember that Quad 57s always sounded good as they did not overload their room and took very little time to breakin. So I entirely agree with your last sentence, but neither problem has a likely solution.