Has anyone tried Full Music 12ax7's?

After reading a thread from some guys in the UK http://wduk.worldomain.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4913 I decided to try some of these tubes. I don't have a large collection of 12ax7 types but a few.

Shuguang 12ax7
Electo Harmonic 12ax7
Tungsol New Stock gold pin 12ax7 ECC803s
Tungsol NOS 12ax7
General Electric 3 mica black plate 5751
Sylvania 3 mica black plate 5751

After putting a pair in the preamp position of my Jolida 502 integrated amp I was really happy with the sound. In fact I put all my other tubes in a box and haven't even thought of taking them out. Even my past favorite Sylvania's. I was just wondering if anyone else has tried them?
You have made me curious. Just purchased a set and am waiting for their arrival.
well - low noise floor, tight, clean bass (don't go for these id you like heavy metal or dance music) and good mids. I don't think the treble is "sweet" as ppl would normally say of tubes - it's a bit more akin to SS. But what I like about them is that the sound is *consistent* across the whole spectrum, not like the lucky dip one takes when they pick up some NOS tubes. The only thing I could say genuinely beats them are Siemens 6057/E83CC - but they're over $200 USD per pair these days.

So, just like Detredwings, my other tubes (mainly GE and Brimar varieties) will be boxed for a while!

Plus, everyone loves gold pins!
These tubes are a bit expensive but I really feel they
are worth it. The mid-range and high are really nice. But the bass is really something special. In no way unbalanced. It is nice to have new tubes that I feel happy with. Now I'm waiting for TJ to release the KT-88's. One thing that is different about them, they flash like 12at7's but doesn't affect anything. Let us know what you think about them Abucktwoeighty