I'm not sure I'd say that it's all that time-consuming and there are certainly many times when I want a CD of my most frequently listened-to LPs. once I've recorded the LP to HD, it just takes a minute to do the fade-ins/outs and the 'bounce to disk' (Protools) doesn't require any attention once you've clicked the mouse.
and, compared with past recording technologies involving tape, the complete absence of hiss as well as the ability to make duplicates almost instantly are great.
the biggest issue for me is that every time I improve my TT setup, it means that I could get better CDs if I went back and did them all again...
and, compared with past recording technologies involving tape, the complete absence of hiss as well as the ability to make duplicates almost instantly are great.
the biggest issue for me is that every time I improve my TT setup, it means that I could get better CDs if I went back and did them all again...