greater resolution as an end in itself ??

having responded to a thread in the "digital" section concerning the ps audio perfect wave transport and dac combination, stimulated thoughts about resolution.

i own the ps audio combination alluded to above, as well as older cd players. i have compared my personal cd players with the ps audio combo and find that the older players are more forgiving, whil the ps audio combo seems to exhibit greater resolutionj.

it is my hypothesis that greater resolution, while possibly "improving" the sound of well-recorded cds, makes poor recordings sound worse.
thus, is greater resolution a boon or a bane ?
In general, I'd tend to agree. However, I recently made some changes to my system that gave me more resolution while also increasing the body of the tone, and a little bit of extra warmth to boot. The result is increased resolution and musicality at the same time. Even some CDs that were borderline "listenable" now sound better.

I've found it difficult to find the right balance of components and cables to get these results, but my experience seems to indicate that it's possible.

I think part of the equation in the "Higher Resolution"
dabate is the fact that some highly read reviewers are at the point of appreciable hearing loss. And they won't admit it.
I went to a local high end store here in Phoenix with a fellow audiophile, a couple of years ago. We heard a system that the store owner raved about. After he left us alone with the system, I asked my friend if the system sounded as bad to him, as it did to me. I described my take on the system, he pretty much agreed.
I've known the store owner for years, I used to agree with him the majority of the time on systems I heard at his store. I believe as his hearing degraded, he desired more & more detail to make music sound as good as it used to.
I'm 54 now, and I've recently decided I want my 2 channel to sound as good as my finances will allow.
In a few years I will have appreciable hearing loss.
I want to make the most of my hearing now.
My front end consists of an Electrocompaniet CD player, and a Pass X1 preamp. I believe both of these pieces have very good detail, but they still sound very musical, to me.
I can't stand it when I go to a live concert and there is just too darn much resolution there!

Seriously, I've never considered resolution to be a problem. The more the merrier! Distortion and certain tonal imbalances bother me more but I do not have as many issues these days as in the past. I've learned to take various recordings for what they are, for better or for worse. Just please, no audible distortions!
Mapman - Tonal imbalances bother me too. It is very tiring to climb the stage and adjust their amps at every concert.
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