Glad to hear the appreciation you have for good beers!
I would just go for it, you'll need to start with the less complicated beers any way so get a kit or have a brew shop set you up with a bunch of ingredients and a set of instructions. The sooner you start the sooner you'll realize you will have to catch up for all the lost time seriously.
As for me I brewed 14 gallons in two weekends which is alot for a returning brewer.
My beginnings in homebrewing began with a pumpkin ale that couldn't be found that easily 16 years ago, so I had to brew. And pumpkin ale is what I brewed, I had a blast!
This time around I started with an IPA, then Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Barley Wine and up next will be a Brown Nut Ale.
Home brew beats commercial ale most of the time.
As for my favorites:
#1 best beer best anything I ever put in my mouth is Duchesse de Bourgogne. You'll never look at beer the same way again.
#2 Jolly Pumpkin Ale Rojo. A beer made with wild yeast.
#3 Dog Fish Head Ale IPA 60 MInute
#4 Stone IPA Ruinition-- this will make you drunf oops I still can't spell correctly.
#5 Corsendonk Pale Ale
There are so many more but I haven't explored lately.
Glad to hear the appreciation you have for good beers!
I would just go for it, you'll need to start with the less complicated beers any way so get a kit or have a brew shop set you up with a bunch of ingredients and a set of instructions. The sooner you start the sooner you'll realize you will have to catch up for all the lost time seriously.
As for me I brewed 14 gallons in two weekends which is alot for a returning brewer.
My beginnings in homebrewing began with a pumpkin ale that couldn't be found that easily 16 years ago, so I had to brew. And pumpkin ale is what I brewed, I had a blast!
This time around I started with an IPA, then Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Barley Wine and up next will be a Brown Nut Ale.
Home brew beats commercial ale most of the time.
As for my favorites:
#1 best beer best anything I ever put in my mouth is Duchesse de Bourgogne. You'll never look at beer the same way again.
#2 Jolly Pumpkin Ale Rojo. A beer made with wild yeast.
#3 Dog Fish Head Ale IPA 60 MInute
#4 Stone IPA Ruinition-- this will make you drunf oops I still can't spell correctly.
#5 Corsendonk Pale Ale
There are so many more but I haven't explored lately.