The Hub: Is a Vinyl Revival in progress?

I'm cynical when it comes to news. I started out that way, and experience in J-school, newspapers and radio only made me more jaded. My view is that, like stock-tips, by the time a story hits the mainstream, it ain't news: it's a train already 'waaay down the tracks, interesting to watch and wave at, but nothing you can climb aboard.

So when a "trend" in vinyl revival is reported in such divergent media as the New York Times (as seen here) and the AARP magazine (as seen here) , is it like a grandmother just discovering her tweenage grand-daughter's interest in Twilight: too little, too late?

The distinction between a fad and a trend is an important one, and one frequently debated by marketers and sociologists. I think the difference was well put on the Marketing Innovation website:
"Both fads and trends last a finite period of time. However, when the fad is over, things are fundamentally the same. When a trend is over, things are fundamentally changed."

Here's the litmus test: when people give up wearing pink Crocs, is society different? No. After the big boom in sales of green tea flattens out, will societal habits be different? Probably so. So: Crocs are a fad, tea-drinking is part of a greater trend in consumption of nutriceuticals (don't get me started on THAT topic).

Futurist Faith Popcorn has made a career out of predicting societal trends, and written several best-selling books about where we're going next, in America. Through her assistant, I posed the question to Ms. Popcorn: is the vinyl revival a fad, or part of a larger trend? An answer has yet to appear, so I suspect we're on our own with this question.

Luckily, the person who has single-handedly done more to revive vinyl than any other individual, DOES answer my questions. Michael Fremer has written about vinyl and music for 30 years now, starting with The Absolute Sound and now as Senior Contributing Editor at Stereophile. Mikey also writes and edits his own music website Music Angle, and wouldja believe he writes a political blog for New Jersey's Bergen Record? (seen here).

Most audiophiles are introverted and terrified of addressing an audience, but Cornell grad and BU Law dropout Fremer also has stints as a stand-up comic and DJ on his resume. He's thoroughly comfortable schticking before a packed house, a microphone or a video camera; he's also good company at a bar. Unfortunately, this particular conversation was telephonic ( and took place Friday, December 18, 2009).

Audiogon Bill: "Michael, does all the mainstream press attention to the vinyl revival indicate that it's a fad, or a trend?"

Michael Fremer: "Oh, absolutely, it's a trend. It's been ongoing for several years now. Sales last year were double those of the year before, and THOSE sales had doubled from the year before THAT. And keep in mind that those are the sales that are COUNTED; this whole thing has been propelled by new indy rock releases, and most of those are under the radar."

AB: "But the LP is never going to be as big as it once was, is it?"

MF: "No, no, it's going to always be a niche market, but that's a good thing, because the people doing it will be the ones who are concerned with quality. I wouldn't want it to be mainstream again.

"Look, when it comes to computers, and we're not talking about iPods, iPhones, all those, but just COMPUTERS, Apple's a niche market. They've got what, 2% of the market against all the Windows nonsense done by everybody else? But it's an important niche, they lead the way."

AB: "So that's what you anticipate vinyl will be, the leading edge?"

MF: "Well, yeah. I mean, when it comes to reissues, you see pretty much the same content on vinyl as you do on SACD; the material is old, but it's being reissued to an audience that's really conscious of quality. But like I said, it's the new indy rock releases that make vinyl different, and THAT'S what's driving the whole revival. It's a young audience, vinyl is something new to them, and once they start playing LP's they're discovering a whole world of music that's available to them on vinyl that they'll never see or hear on CD."

After that, our conversation veered into the limitations on LP production capacity created by the shutdown years ago of most of the world's stamping-plants (new plants will be coming online soon, says Michael), and then degenerated into a discussion of why Michael is 10 years older than me, yet looks 10 years younger (answer: Pilates). But as you've read, Michael is convinced that today's vinyl revival is the real deal, and here to stay for a select segment of the music-buying audience.

There is evidence of backlash against computers and the virtual world amongst members of Generation Z (or whatever letter we're on now); as was the case in the late '60's, interest in crafts, handmade goods and mechanical devices is soaring. How much of it is frustration with bad programming (i.e., can't they just put a button or a knob on the thing, rather than a MENU??), I can't say. Clearly, though, downloaded files lack the tangible connection provided by the colorful artwork and liner notes of an LP jacket, or even the physical act of placing a record on the platter and cueing it up.

Psychologically, LPs provide another element lacking in the iPod experience: anticipation. Unlike a digital player which can hold thousands of songs, ready to go at the touch of the screen, a cut on vinyl has to be selected, pulled off the shelf, the disc removed from the jacket and the inner sleeve, cued know the drill. It is a more leisurely process than than the digital one, and perhaps a more contemplative one as well. Listening to an entire album by an artist allows for greater immersion in the work, something rarely found in the cherry-picking download world.

And of course, I haven't even mentioned the SOUND of analog, or the immense back catalog of wonderful music that never made the transition to digital. Those are the driving factors for most of us who love LPs.

So: what are YOUR thoughts on the subject? Fad, or trend?
i am a 53 year old who found his way back to vinyl just over 10yrs ago. at that time the "home theater" "fad" was well into its short lived move from 3.1 to 5.1 to 7.1 and up channels. after finally breaking free of the constant digital mult channel up grades, i got back to simple quality 2 channel music(even movies) that remain a constant, not a fad or trend. to me this is what vinyl is a constant. like stereo(2channel) music it was always here. surround sounds will come and go but stereo will always be here. in the same way formats will come and go but anolog and digital will be the only constants and vinyl the best way to enjoy anolog. For me vinyl is neither a trend or a fad but a CONSTANT!
Think about how lousy the format of the month thing was back in late 80's with Mini Disc and DCC etc.It took from ealy 80's to late80's for CD's to be figured out by engineers to get it to sound as good a it could with 20-Bit masters and such.Mass market of MP3 that suck will take over CD sales in a year or two and folks who make gear and have labels like Lin want to sell us streamed 24/96 which will crash on our hard drives and have to be backed up on a sellers servers (as long as they last right?).

Meanwhile after I gave up my table with my first early 80's Phillips CD player once the $400 price point was reached.I got back into it back in late 90's.In 70's the Lp were crap re-m,elt and noisy as hell after a few plays.But sine revival virgin heavy pressings are great.Yeah you won't get the dynamic range (max 60db) from an LP that youy will get from a CD but it does sound organic and enjoyable for your favorite stuff (I prefer some music like vocals on CD).Plus the rituals is fun.There are few LP's I own that will wear out and with vacuum cleaning,LAST preservative,etc is fun.And with few exceptions the fun of having a and original pressing from the 50's and to lesser extent a well crafted re-issue of today gives you a tactile,visual and collector enjoyment that no CD's can.Bummer was when Mosaic went to all CD's but think of the booklets or a single LP with cover art.Stopped smoking grass in the 80's but how can you roll one on a CD? (I still like pulling out the "Eat A Peach" LP that was best for that since inside texture held the weed as the seeds rolled down).Or all that great cover at from a band like Jefferson Airplane (I love that Peanut Butter and Jelly on inside of "Volunteers").Yeah it takes more to maintain the LP set up and things have to be cleaned,replaced etc.But that's the fun.Plus it sounds "right".Turntables and LP revival is great but as a collector I wish it wasn't a big a 'fad" as it is since record prices went through roof 5 years ago before I had every one "that mattered".But like the kids say today "It's All Good".
O yeah the question posed.Who cares?Their have been devotees for collecting and listening to shellac and vinyl for 80+ years.I think that it reproduces music made from source tape that matches the era.What's telling is I like a piece of music I would rather the LP lesser stuff I don't mind just having the CD.But with pieces I love I like both (you can't as easily or quickly put on LP or play in your car).But even if it a "fad" there will always be those who prefer it.I hope it is a trend along with higher resolution and better made digital though as it means more equipment options.But hey if we go back to just LP 12's and Shure Carts I will keep my LP's and collecting more.
i get emails like this regularly...!

Dear Mr. Fremer

I just wanted to say thank you. For turning me onto something that has changed my life. Being that I have always loved music, good music at that, and I've always had the patience to listen to music, Vinyl was so...obvious. I really don't know why it took so long, but eventually, like millions of teens like myself are finding out right now, I found out just what I was missing. All it took was a little Internet research, and thanks to your devotion, I am now a convert. Every day I think to myself, "what are all my friends doing"? Sitting around with their ipods, thinking thats the proper way to listen. I just want to take them all over to my house and say "LISTEN TO THIS". But, alas, no one would ever believe me, even if I tried. I just want you to know though, that I'm convinced, and you should be commended I think, for all the work you have done to keep vinyl alive. You and your site. You've reminded me that in this day an age, music never looses its power. Our politicians won't give us health care (or a stable economy for that matter), our news media would rather report on tiger woods than the war efforts of the past 7 years (or even on the resurgence of vinyl for that matter), and with my mother in the hospital for the past few weeks, I've learned the most important lesson I have ever had to learn: No matter how bleak the world seems, music is always something one can count on to cheer us up. Life and it's problems disappear when you drop the needle into the groove, and as I listen to the piano intro to new york city serenade by Bruce Springsteen, I feel it now more than ever.

Thanks for turning me onto something cooler than any drug out there. Keep up the good work, and maybe my generation will finally have a happy ending