What’s next up on the docket for you?

What has been either your fav or your most interesting system or…
Which audio outfit was your best… or which one would you like most to have on hand soon?

Maybe you’ve thought of building a server based system. Perhaps putting together a Flea watt rig has your attention now. Could it be tubes front to back that you’re eyeing as the next project you’ll get into? Is the new digital amp arena piqued your curiosity? Finally decided to get into an all analog rig now? Thought of going to planar, maybe bi or di-pole speakers next instead of cones? Monitor & subs perhaps? Could it be that owning Active speakers has finally given you sufficient enough intrigue? Want to own membership in the lot’s o’ watts club next? Bent on going retro and now Vintage pieces allure you most? Finally decided to fill out your HT system with dedicated separates? Found a contractor to build your ultimate listening room now? Finally going to add those acoustical treatments you’ve been putting off doing for so long?

I’m curious to get some inkling of which scenario you have found thus far your best built system overall, your most interesting learning experience, and/or your next totally different direction, if so, you’ll soon be striving to put together, or would if you could?

S.E.T. has had my attention for some time now and of the various types of rigs I’vd be most interested in putting together it would be one of those. Albeit, on a small scale. Stereo amp & monitors. Something absolutely fat & wet sounding.

Acoustical room treatments too are in the works for me now. Mainly bass traps first. Diffusers will be next. All DIY too.

How about you? What’s your next audio interest or build looking like more and more, one you’d wish to pursue if at all possible?
Having heard the DA-RMa's and Ulysses' speakers, I concur that they both have the wonderful Daedalus 'house sound'. (Disclosure: I own a pair of Ulysses.)

One of the things I love about Daedalus speakers is how they provide a transparent window on the character of the upstream equipment. I've tried a number of different amps with the Ulysses from SET (Art Audio Jota) to 350 W Levinson Monoblocs and the Ulysses sound good with all of them. So an individual's choice of amplification really boils down to taste and application. I wouldn't use SET amps if I listened to The Who at concert levels in a 30x25'x20'room.

I've heard from numerous folks who auditioned the Ulysses and Atmasphere at Thom's place after RMAF and everyone reports that they are a wonderful pairing.
Well Blindjim,
The screen is installed and I also replaced my front speakers with Sarastro II's. I will wait awhile for the new projector.
Concerning your response to my monitor post. When I think about a good monitor and decent stands I start thinking a small floor stander might be the way to go. Certainly not much difference from a space perspective and better chance for good bass.


Very nice! Congrats!! I'm sure both will increase the entertainment quotient immensely.


I'm the same way. The same amount of footprint usually, is taken up... and yes, usually FS will gain you lower response and impact. There's also no concerns with mating stands to speakers, damping them, etc.

The single caveat to all that is the properties of monitors of equal price/performance to FS. MS seem to me to be easier to get out of the way, image better, and there's something to be said for their esthetic.

Consequently, I remain torn in the seat of my pants as I continue to stay firmly attached to the top of that fence. I am however leaning towards stepping into more upscale speakers next, and I feel I'll gain more performance from 100Hz on up going with MS. the trick then of course is dialing in sub (s) for them.

Good luck with which ever.....