Very nice! Congrats!! I'm sure both will increase the entertainment quotient immensely.
I'm the same way. The same amount of footprint usually, is taken up... and yes, usually FS will gain you lower response and impact. There's also no concerns with mating stands to speakers, damping them, etc.
The single caveat to all that is the properties of monitors of equal price/performance to FS. MS seem to me to be easier to get out of the way, image better, and there's something to be said for their esthetic.
Consequently, I remain torn in the seat of my pants as I continue to stay firmly attached to the top of that fence. I am however leaning towards stepping into more upscale speakers next, and I feel I'll gain more performance from 100Hz on up going with MS. the trick then of course is dialing in sub (s) for them.
Good luck with which ever.....