long term components

what component have you ever kept the longest in your system, past or present?
Audio Research 100.2 has been a part of my sytem for over a decade. A great amp
I forgot to mention my own..a pair of the original advents for five years, then I doubled them for another three years
My current system consists of a pair of Thiel CS5i loudspeakers and a Classe' Audio DR-25 amp (now used in bridged mono to my center channel), both of which are over 20 years old.
Vandersteen 2ci speakers. Have had them for 20 years and they now reside in my office system.
I have had my Sota table/SME arm for 17 years. It was a lot of money in 1992, but the sound blew me away then and it still does- even as my amps/speakers/cables have changed over the years. I haven't bought a record, new or used, in over 10 years, so I doubt I will ever see the need to upgrade. But I still play my medium sized collection on a regular basis and discover new and great sounding phono cartridges from time to time.