Thanks much. That's also quite understandable if those are the guidelines for your systems development.
I find now and then however that some slight or minor alteration or enhancement/attenuation of a thing, via cabling or isolating, or tube rolling, to augment it's performance or simply to bring it into my own preffs range to a greater capacity by some minor tweaking is more desireable to me than to get back on the audio treadmill and seek out another set of speakers, amps, source, etc.
Also there is the component of increase. Overall increase or merely a partial one can be obliged in the same manner as I’ve just described. Perhaps one can call it allowing a thing to be at it’s best. Perform without any restrictions, or reducing it’s most glaring trait.
Naturally then I feel along with you to some degree that better peripherals all add into that mix… yet here and there still, perhaps one coloration in an accessory could be just the thing to polish the whole of it off.
Your replacement of outlets in that conditioner for example is a whole new idea to me and one I’d never have thought to do until now. Though I’m going to check with RSA to see which ones they used in their haley before I make any changes there.
I feel a rig is indeed a mixture regardless, when it’s all said and done… if it’s to come out of the oven done well.
Were the Avatar AfterBurner 8’s in any way better, or just the same but cheaper?
Many many thanks.