Equi=tech 2Q transformer hum, other options?

Good day. I really like what my 2Q did for the system, everything sounds just as good or better (preamp) when through it. It does, however, give a transformer hum and is a beast of a unit (100lbs?). Gear is tube, mostly Shindo, Weiss DAC2, computer, TW Raven...

Any experience with other conditioners/surge surpressors that work with this type of equipment? I don't want transformer hum, so don't want to switch from one hum to another (too much effort, unless its a huge sound improvement). I like the simplicity of everything plugged into one or two units, but clearly sonics drive the decision (cannot limit power amps) etc.

Things that are catching my eye:

Torus (their small boxes can just be plugged into my dedicated line, hear good things)

Audience - no surge suppression as I understand it

I don't live somewhere where I can easily try these, but I'll certainly make the effort. The 2Q can go to my home theater.

Thoughts appreciated and thanks.
Hello, I have the 1.5Q and it is completely silent. No hum whatsoever. I use it for my cdp. Have you contacted Equitech or considered having a tech look at the unit to determine whether the hum is correctable? - Kevin
I agree with Kjo,
I use a 2Q and it's dead quiet as your's should be. Contact Equitech.
Unfortunately, I did, and they said it was not abnormal to have small transformer hum. The 6-moons (?) review said similar. Now, I might be hyper sensitive to it in my room, but its audible for sure.

I bought two 1.5Q's. One hummed and one did not. Equitech replaced the transformer in the one that hummed (within the warranty period) and that fixed the problem.

I would have hoped Equitech would reject these units during QC testing.