08-21-13: Ct0517Dgarretson is not comparing the ET2 & Kuzma. His post is quite clear - it is a report on the effect of running the Terminator with different horizontal effective masses.
08-19-13: Dover
Interesting comments on the Terminator linear tracking arm from Dgarretson on the MM thread who has fabricated a lightweight carriage from carbon finer instead of aluminium....
The wand has dual front and rear counterweights for continuously adjustable vertical effective mass.
Total horizontal mass of arm, cradle, and carbon fiber sled is 45gm, and can be increased by weighting the air sled.
I've tried it with as little as 35gm horizontal mass and as much as 100gm-- approximating the range of horizontal effective mass from ET to Kuzma airline. So far less horizontal mass sounds better in all instances. This does not hold true for vertical mass.
Interesting comments from DG as they relate to the Terminator arm. I have only seen pictures of it.
imo - it is not valid comparing the ET2, 2.5 and Kuzma Airline in this manner
At no point in his post is he comparing the ET2 and Kuzma tonearms.