Why did I get married?

I love my wife but WTF? Does anyone else have a problem with the old lady constantly whining? The volume has been turned down twice tonight to the point where I need to put a stethascope up to the speaker to hear it. I might have to try one of those herbal vaporizers as posted in another thread. Does anyone know of a legal way to sedate her after 8 PM?

Bad answer.

It's refreshing to read the mature and loving husbands (buck280 response)that have love/respect for their wives.

Jr in minor key.
I agree with Tvad, Glory, and 280. Also with the suggestions of headphones. I usually listen with speakers either with my wife or when she is not at home. If my listening would interfere with something else she is doing, I use headphones (Stax electrostatics, which I invested in particularly for that purpose).

Does that mean that I end up listening via speakers less often than I would ideally like to? Certainly, but I'm cool with that.

-- Al

(Happily married 39 years)
"Happily married 39 years" - translation for younger folks: "Happily" means 39 years in one marriage. Without "happily" it would be just a sum of marriages.
This thread crackes me up. My wife told me to turn it up the other night. She loves Martha Davis & The Motels. Cranked the pi** outa it. It was awsome.
She always tells people, "Been married 24 years. Best 18 years of my life."