Grand Prix versus Stillpoints

Anyone compared Grand Prix Monaco to Stillpoints Component stand? In my case it would be for amps.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Saturday I mounted the (4) Stillpoints stands to the VTL amps and gained several square feet of floor space. This is exactly what I needed to accommodate the JL Audio subs.

Sound difference between it and GPA could not be more different, I'm sorting out my feeling about this more tomorrow when a friend visits and I listen with more kinds of music.
I've converted to Stillpoints for my amp stands and the GPA are sold. Both are superb products and this test could have been reversed in another room or with another amp or even due to personal taste.

The one thing that is not a variable, component stands are a big influence on sound, especially with big tube amps subject to vibration and impact near large speakers.

Could you expand further on your personal impressions of each stand's relative strengths and weaknesses in the context of your system, and why, ultimately, you opted for the Stillpoints vs. the GPA?

I ask not to make you write a short treatise, but because both products make promises about vibration control, are similar in price, yet have radically different approaches to how they address the problem. Thanks,
