I am not disappointed, and if you are a sincere enthusiast, you have my apology.
But to be clear, I have not yet knocked, or indeed even commented on the Blackbody device, as I have no experience with it.
For the record, my impression is that in a double blind, AB comparison, the Blackbody would make even a Tice Clock or a Shakti stone look like bargain priced tweaks with state of the art engineering. But that is another matter.
What I have commented on, however, is the obvious corruption of this thread by people who are presumably affiliated with the manufacturer.
They have appeared to both me and other long time Audiogon participants to have been stuffing the ballot box with glowing reviews of this expensive, and if I were betting in Vegas a spectacularly high margin, audaciously promoted device.
As someone who values the enthusiasm, intelligence and generally high integrity of this forum, I do not react well to thinly veiled infomercials.
It is not only unfair to people who are seeking honest advice, but worse, it is arrogant and condescending.
I am not disappointed, and if you are a sincere enthusiast, you have my apology.
But to be clear, I have not yet knocked, or indeed even commented on the Blackbody device, as I have no experience with it.
For the record, my impression is that in a double blind, AB comparison, the Blackbody would make even a Tice Clock or a Shakti stone look like bargain priced tweaks with state of the art engineering. But that is another matter.
What I have commented on, however, is the obvious corruption of this thread by people who are presumably affiliated with the manufacturer.
They have appeared to both me and other long time Audiogon participants to have been stuffing the ballot box with glowing reviews of this expensive, and if I were betting in Vegas a spectacularly high margin, audaciously promoted device.
As someone who values the enthusiasm, intelligence and generally high integrity of this forum, I do not react well to thinly veiled infomercials.
It is not only unfair to people who are seeking honest advice, but worse, it is arrogant and condescending.