
Hey Guys,

What can i do to stop the following?

When ever i get up from the couch to flip the record or to remove a cd, i send a an insane shock through my system and i sweat every time it happens.

Is there something i can do to stop this?


I agree with all three replies so far. Run a humidifier, do NOT listen while wearing rubber soles, and I usually touch my metal rack before touching the tonearm or CDP.

One more thing I do is hit the mute button as I get up to change a recording.

This winter I've had similar issues with static build-up on the record spindle and platter that occasionally discharges through the cartridge. You might trying running a separate ground wire that you can touch to yourself and to the record spindle and tonearm before changing a record.
One thing I do is wear cloth gloves..They come in handy keeping fingerprints off Vinyl and will also allow you to touch your controls without the snap of static.....