High Quality Fuses: Real Gains?


I'm generally suspicious of "tweaks" but I had an interesting conversation with a service representative from one of the major audiophile companies about the potential benefits of replacing stock fuses with higher quality ones like the HiFi Tuning brand. I thought he would dismiss the potential gains of using an "audiophile" fuse but he affirmed that they might actually produce audible improvements since all the current must travel through this junction. He also admitted that the stock fuses they use are pretty ordinary throwaways. So, have any of you used these and if so what were the results? Are there brands other than HiFi Tuning that are worth considering? I should have probably checked the archives so if this has been debated already sorry to bring it up.
Firedrums is right on target in decribing "refinement and resolution." That is what i experienced in moving to HiFi fuses in my MC275, C2200, Bryston BCD1 and my Playstation 1. For me it is a no-brainer upgrade. Although I believe that they are overpriced.
I put a HiFi Tuning fuse in my YBA Passion integrated and found the sound had a little more "bite', most notably on Alison Krauss's violin.
So Jgiacalo, can you elaborate a bit more about your Playstation 1?

Do the video games play any better, or faster, on the Playstation 1 video game console with the new high end fuse?

Do the graphics have a higher resolution perhaps?

Or does it upgrade the stereo sound to 5.1 Dolby?

How about the sound quality of the explosions?
Are they, well, more explosive?!

(Just giving you a hard time!)
I swapped my Maggie fuses to high end "Audiophile" fuses and the sound GREAT!! Of course, they don't sound any different from before I changed the fuses, but the speakers still sound great.
Macdadtexas has one of the few systems that's so refined that it can't possibly bennifit from any kind of power upgrade.