Main Entry: 1mag·ic Pronunciation: \ˈma-jik\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English magique, from Middle French, from Latin magice, from Greek magikē, feminine of magikos Magian, magical, from magos magus, sorcerer, of Iranian origin; akin to Old Persian magu sorcerer Date: 14th century 1 a : the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces b : magic rites or incantations 2 a : an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source b : something that seems to cast a spell : enchantment 3 : the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand Mama always says magic is as magic does. |
A Magnet and Not a fuse of any make is more than a component upgrade for me and a few other local audiophiles. AVM does benefit anything in motion including electrons in motion on a magnet. Tom |
Tom, I'm interested. Please give some info on the magnets. I'm also conserned about safty from damage to my amp with out a fuse. |
I just put my Hi-Fi Tuning fuse (10a SilverStar) in my Virtue2 and this is my first impressions. The first thing I noticed was the highs where much more extended. In a very smooth but detailed way. The second thing I noticed was the sound stage got much more three dimensional. Very airy. More depth. It seemed to also smooth and balance everything out and still maintain the detail. I'll let in burn in a few days and report back on any changes. I like it, and I'm not going back to regular fuses again. I was not expecting anything much at all. What a great surprise. |