Select Your Less Than Ideal System

Informal survey: Select from one of the four less than ideal systems below. Assume you have limited funds and can only afford three components of excellence and one moderate component. Which will be "sacrificed" to expediency?

I am not interested in alternative answers such as reallocating the funds to achieve balance. This is a thought experiment requiring absolute answers - A., B., C., D.

I have an idea which I am considering writing up as an article and want to see where the community stands on this question. This is not intended to be part of a review and the article is of my own volition, not assigned. Feel free to include your rationale, but I want clear choices regarding the survey. Only one choice please.

Survey: Select your Less Than Ideal Rig:

Moderate source
Excellent amplification
Excellent cabling
Excellent speakers

Excellent source
Moderate amplification
Excellent cabling
Excellent speakers

Excellent source
Excellent amplification
Moderate cabling
Excellent speakers

Excellent source
Excellent amplification
Excellent cabling
Moderate speakers

Thank you for your participation. :)
Looks like you don't have much of a paper here, with the overwhelming choice being C, to which I add my vote as well. If you included some more "moderates" in your choices you would get much more variety of response.
Learsfool, I might reach the same conclusion if I were looking at it from the outside. I fully expected that choice C would dominate. The survey didn't hold many surprises for me; it essentially confirmed what I was thinking. So that people avoid "jumping to contusions", it would be incorrect to think that the article is going to be about cabling being the most important part of a system. :)
i would like to explain my position because i am obviously in the minority, or , as one would say in statistics, an outlier.

first of all, audio is a very subjective hobby. one cannot second guess another person's perceptions.

terms like "moderate" are vague and ambiguous, unless defined specifically.

as a reviewer , i varied each component in a stereo system and listened to the resultant difference.

the only thing i would assert unequivocally is the importance of the source. it is possible to create excellent sound if one has an excellent source, such as a master tape. it is difficult to quantify the difference in the affect upon improvements in sound when changing twoo components.

for example, there would be a relative change in sound affecting a stereo system between cables "a" and "b", as well as changing two amplifiers. it is possible that a cable change may be more profound than a change in amplifiers. there arte no absolutes.

thus doug, you have posed a rhetorical question which is philosophical in nature and probably has no definitive answer.

only you can assess the usefulness of this thread.