Vibex power blocks vs power filters

I am considering purchasing the VIBEX power boards or the VIBEX boards with in-built filter (see:

There is a lot of talk that filters "kill" the sound, or limit dynamics, or produce muddy bass. Does anyone have any experience with the difference between these 2 products (with filter vs without)? Others swear by the filter products...

There are a lot of serious companies out there producing filtered products (e.g. Purist power cables with filters and ac filter block) so the rumours cant all be true!

Any thoughts?
I tested the Vibex non filtered 6 power block vs the Vibex filtered 8 p.b. (both Cu version). The first is interesting (tones are better, richer) but a little agressive. The second sounds more transparent and very soft, with richer tones too : an excellent power block ! Note that "filtered" means resin with graphite, no active parts. I have a biamp Tact system with Onken speakers.
Fred in Paris