Inactive audio members that you miss

Do you ever think about former Audiogon members that provided some degree of satisfaction whenever you read one of their posts, but seem no longer active?

I, for one, really miss Cornfedboy. I thought his posts were hysterical, and they tended to put us all in the proper light: Crazy but happy. Then he signed off when he said that he was going to be doing consulting for Audiogon.

Then there is Sean. I thought his posts were very informative and I learned a lot from him. Then came the dispute with Audiogon, etc, and we haven't heard from Sean for a while. I think that's our loss.

And finally, Lugnut. Patrick sold me an entire box of LP's when I was starting a vinyl collection for the first time. He sold it to me for a song, and I think he took care of the shipping of this very heavy box. A year or two later I read on Audiogon that he had died. Tragic.

Do you have other Audiogon members who you enjoyed reading posts that, for some reason or another, are now silent?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsufentanil
We still get the occasional post from Nrchy. Always glad to see one of those.

I had to think a moment to remember his username, actually. Knew where to find it, though: just search on Patrick Malone. Good place to look up names.
Yes, I miss the same guys that Alberporter wrote - I was very active on this forum about the same time that fellows whose names Albert mentioned were.

To add to Albert's list:
TWL --> he knew analog like the back of his hand & who can forget his "HIFI tuning tweak"??
Zaikesman --> He's been gone too long. I communicated w/ him a few weeks ago on this forum & he informed me that he swore off audio a long time ago...
All of the above mentioned members are ones I miss as well. I guess time moves on and some find other hobbies/interests. If any of you guys are reading this, speak up.
Ah yes, Slappy and Suburuguru. Slappy cracked me up -- they guy definitely has a sense of humor.

Albert, that's great that you have such a personal relationship with so many Audiogon members. So far I personally know two people from Audiogon, so that's been the extent of my knowledge of people outside of interactions on this website.

There have to be many more that we're overlooking here.

To add to the list, what happened to Abecollins?

Most of his posts were in '01 and '02, a bright guy from Colorado that I always thought I would meet up with at RMAF.

Musicdoc, quite a few post between '01 and '08 and then pretty much nothing. He was inquisitive, a fan of analog and as I remember, working on a hot Chevy street car, an Interesting guy for sure.

Also remember Ohlala, his posts were fairly prolific from 2000 to about a year ago but I have not noticed much if anything from him lately.

An early post from Ohlala mentioned that he was a struggling student. Perhaps he graduated, found the perfect girl and now has no time for Audiogon. I hope good things are keeping him away.