What song/album best showcases your system?

On the occasions that we have a first time visitor over at our house, I tend to always pull out one particular record to play for them. This is the same record that I have used for years. I play, "Piano in the Dark" on Brenda Russell's album entitled 'Get Here'. Her haunting voice and airy soundstage always grabs their attention. The big soundstage and rich, full sound always seems to blow people away, not expecting vinyl to sound so good. Plus it is a song that people always seem to know. I picked up this album in the mid 80s. It is a very good record, I think.
Jeff Buckley "Grace"...the original 1994 pressing. Well recorded. His vocals are THE best test for any system when mids are focused on. If you have planars...you will be blown away. Awesome post question btw.
I play something I recorded direct off the soundboard that has very little if any compression.

If that fails to float their boat, I play 4'33"
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