Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Yes spring has sprung here. BBQ's, Boating, Fishing, and company with great friends watching long sunsets over a glass of wine. I suspect that it was the change in temperature that precipitated the o"ring failure.
I am using a HP manifold at around 18 psi.

HF Dover.
I knew that you would bring up the added weight question inside the spindle. The 30 gm adder was a guess based on 16 year old memory. Clearly my guess was well overstated. I will be removing this when I do the swing arm counterweight test to bring the arm as close to stock as possible. The 95 gm total, arm and cart weight, is accurate. This depending upon c/weights and cart used by others, being more or less the same as a standard ET2 using a mag wand.

For further discussion on how every ET2 on the planet requires the cartridge to push sideways the total arm weight when tracing an eccentric record, please read below....

> Bruce.
> I have been thinking about the horizontal effective mass of your ET2 and have a question please.
> The horizontal effective mass calculation you give in the tech section of the manual shows an arm mass of 30 grams which is then added to the weight of the cartridge to give total horizontal mass. This calculation ignores the weight of the counter weight since it is decoupled via the leaf spring.
> My question is around the horizontal effective mass seen by the cartridge when tracing an eccentric record. The resonant frequency of the counterweight spring assembly is 2-5 hz and the lateral tracing frequency of an eccentric record at 33 rpm is 0.55 hz.
> At 0.55 hz the transmissibility would be approaching 1, even with a counter weight spring frequency of 2 hz.
> This would therefore mean that the cartridge "sees" all of the counterweight weight when tracing an eccentric record?
> Thus the effective mass at this low frequency, 0.55 hz, would be the total weight of the arm and cartridge including the beam and the weights it is carrying.
> Many thanks
> Richard.

Below the counterweight decoupling frequency cutoff ~ 2hz, the effective mass becomes the total mass. Then you have another resonance freqeuncy to add to the mix which is typically much greater than .55Hz.
So yes, it sees all of the mass below 2Hz, but the combination of those masses results in a cantilever resonance above that frequency. You should see the arm move back and forth with the eccentricity of a record at .55Hz as opposed to deflection of the stylus.

I hope this helps and thank you very much for the interest.


We are children of the revolution, the swirling 1960´s and we "speak" the same language. We have certain respect to our past, and it´s music itself. The super groups we listened when we were kids will be our musical heritage till the end of time.
The turning point for me personally was in 1974 when I used to listen FM radio and I occasionally managed to record some strange and quite extraordinary music to my PHILIPS radiorecorder (at the time I didn´t have a record player !) I captured "Shine on Brightly" by Procol Harum, "Meddle" by Pink Floyd, "Brain Salad Surgery" by ELP and "Starless and Bible Black" by King Crimson on tape. And "Twin Peaks" by Mountain as well, probably the heaviest/fattest bass sound ever put on vinyl. Thanks to Felix Pappalardi, the great late producer, band leader & musician. Of course, we kids listened the pop music too.
But I hadn´t any idea where this all will lead in next year. My dear dad bought me my first stereo system. The finest part of the sale was a bonus, the double album "666" by APHRODITE´S CHILD, would you believe ! Oh yes, the mighty music composed by Vangelis & sung by Demis Roussos who has a very unique and beautiful voice. This stunning music blew this kid´s mind away and never looked back ever since.

But it still took 26 years to find another musical treasure hidden in time, the fantastic Classic Italian Progressive music. In 1973 Alphataurus the Mighty Dove abandoned manking in frustation & anger because of commersializing the music culture. But mankind still has hope as we saw the triumphant return of Alphataurus in 2011 as documented in "Alphataurus Live in Bloom"


And resulting a Renaissance in Prog Music, especially in Italy after all the years ! Another gem:


Another thing I regard you as a sir is your TT, The Platine & ET-2. I think it´s a very special combination. In fact, you are running a double air suspension system turntable truly.
This unique and very sophisticated techique you are using proves that you take audio and music VERY seriously and you truly respect the things you love.

Furthermore and as for an extra suspension, I would suggest you to try a Reso-Mat made by Vic himself. IME over the years it is a true bargain in audio. In my system the improvement in audio guality & quantity is really huge.
It´s due to it´s feature that vinyl sits freely and uncompressed on vinyl spikes that allow resonances vanish into air and not bouncing back to vinyl and rearching stylus. Many things in mechanics are simple, also this. It works !


Btw, thaks us showing the way to the record groove, I actually haven´t seen it so clearly before ! What a revelation !

Harold-not-the barrel.
Absolutely agree with your eloquent post. You did forget to mention Jethro Tull though :-)

Although I have not met Chris, it is clear to us all that he is passionate in the extreme about his music and is a gentleman.
Harold/Richard - thanks

passionate in the extreme about his music

imo - everyone here is equally passionate in the extreme about their music.

I remember exactly the moment when I realized music was going to be something special.
I was only a single digit in age and I heard "I wanna hold your hand" Beatles in 68 or 69 for the first time.

right now I am hunkering down for lots of music because its cold outside and only going to get colder. the picture of that groove reminds me of bare cold and makes me think of Springsteen's song titled "Badlands"

Poor man wanna be rich
Rich man wanna be king
And a king ain't satisfied
'Til he rules everything

Springsteen - Badlands

So some are rich and even fewer are kings.

Some folks are so passionate in the extreme about their music and have the resources to create concerts in their home for others to enjoy. If you scroll down you will see how the concert is taped and then those interested can go listen to the reproduced sound to compare.

Harold - I don't know what it is about Italian music.
I can't understand a word of it but I can listen to it for hours.

Cheers Chris