PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?

I'm thinking about opening an electronic checking account with ING that would allow me to avoid PayPal fees. Basically the account would allow me to send money to anyone as long as I had their email address. Once I direct the funds to go to that person, ING pulls the money from my account, and sends the recipient an email that money is available. The recipient clicks the link in the email, inputs their own bank routing number and account number, and - zip - the money is theirs.

Does anyone already use this? Or would you be willing to input your bank info to receive money in this way?
PayPal may not be all that it could be, and it is very expensive for what it does, but in my experience it is not only convienient, but also does provide a degree of recourse if you run into trouble with a sale where, for example, a seller is flaky and doesn't ship goods etc.

I prefer to use CC's where possible though for the same access to recourse for flaky internet sales people. Less of a hassle.

Checks and MO's for used merchandise from individuals - never! I'm not that trusting. :-)
I'm not an expert, but since the ING "electric checking" does not provide customers with paper checks or brick and mortar locations, they have to provide some nice electronic options for getting money to payees - and ultimately to attract customers at all.
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