What of your CD's have good sonics?

I have been amazed at the number of CD's are so bad I can't bare to listen to them on my system. It seems like over half are difficult to listen to. Vinyl seems about the same. I have been buying some classic rock albums from a local used record store and am surprised at how many of them sound bad. Most of the jazz albums I buy are usually quite good. How is it with you guys?
Elizabeth, you make a good point and you describe a trap I want no part of.
I will still listen to the U2 War recording in the car, on headphones at the gym, out in the patio etc. Not all of the music I listen to on my main system has to be top notch recordings. But this was bad, real bad. I could probably put it on as background music if I was in another room, and just be very careful about walking into the living room so I don't injure myself again.
Elizabeth and Energizer. I totally agree with you. It is about the music. BUT.....I am really sensitive to poor sound. It is like scratching a chalk board for me. I couldnt listen to my turntable because it sounded so bad to me. I took it to the dealer and he hooked it up to his high end system and said, "it sounds great! What's wrong with it? I made him check further and it was a little off speed. He corrected it and hooked it up again and I told him it still wasnt right. He worked on it again finding that it was a little off and ended up having to replace the speed control board which fixed the problem. I guess I'm just sensitive to that stuff. I have the same problem with live music. If someone's out of tune it drives me crazy. I frequently pass on certain venues because I know the sound is so bad.
Your comments lead me to believe that part of my problem is my own hearing problems. thanks
Elizabeth has an excellent point. HOWEVER, your system can greatly exacerbate this problem. If you have a brutally honest, hyper detailed system, then you are just getting what you paid for. On the bright side, it's great for demoing the subtle difference between rare bird calls.

I find that very few recordings sound bad on my system. True, some are better than others, but mostly everything is very engaging and highly entertaining. I do have the advantage that I'm totally sick of all music made in the 70's and 80's, so I pretty much only listen to modern stuff.

I'd suggest changing your speakers for something that is warmer and fuller sounding with a laid back treble. Good luck. :)
You guys need an Audiodesk cd lathe and Acoustic Revive RD 3 demagnitizer.This thread would be moot.