What of your CD's have good sonics?

I have been amazed at the number of CD's are so bad I can't bare to listen to them on my system. It seems like over half are difficult to listen to. Vinyl seems about the same. I have been buying some classic rock albums from a local used record store and am surprised at how many of them sound bad. Most of the jazz albums I buy are usually quite good. How is it with you guys?
MrTennis, wow, you're a reviewer now, eh? Congratulations.

As far as I know there are many reasons why people listen to or indulge in music and I would not presume to know why or even really care much what those potentially many reasons may be. If I gave the impression that I know why all or even some people indulge that was not my intention. In fact, it seems that it was Elizabeth who presumed to know at least how if not why people must be listening if they are unhappy with what they hear.

But my primary point with Elizabeth is that when I start seeing am/fm transistor radios in the all-out-assault section of the virtual systems in this or similar forums along with their listing Merle Haggard and Snoop Doggy Dog among their favorite artists, then I might be convinced that the quality of sound and quality of music matters little, at least to those individuals. If this industry were labeled 'low-end' audio then I never would have said a word as Elizabeth's statement would have been right on the money.

Jaxwired, I'm not sure why you say my position is why so many audiophiles don't own any music they actually like. I suggest re-reading my last paragraph in my previous post as that should completely contradict the position you think I took.

Did I not say there that I contend the vast majority of all CD's, including Redbook, contain enough music information to potentially create a superior musical presentations (I contend could even competitively compete with the absolute sound), even many of those we consider to be our most inferior engineered recordings? If per chance my statement is accurate, then that should offer hope and encouragement regardless of the type of music, its age, etc. Please explain.

As for your comments about a laid back treble actually sounding closer to the live performance. I find that interesting. So less is more? So when taken to the extreme no treble is the holy grail? But you appear to be presuming we both share in listening to the same or similar 'neutral' systems, that we share similar definitions and perhaps more.

Obviously your definition of a neutral system is vastly different from my own. You seem to be coming from the position that a neutral system is some type of brutally honest zipped up hyper detailed system and that was one of my points in my previous post.

Most likely you hear perhaps every superior system sounding too detailed, overly aggressive, and/or shouty, almost as though every recording was too closely mic'ed. Sadly, that's what is known by today's standard or state-of-the-art. If this is what you hear, then keep in mind that a supposedly 'brutally honest' and/or neutral system will not only provide more of the music it will also provide more of the distortions because a truly revealing system is indiscriminate about what it reveals.

But did it ever occur to you that maybe it's not called 'brutal honesty' because of what it does for the music, but rather it's because of what it does for the distortions and what the distortions in turn do to the music or presentation?

So if that is your perspective or experience then a warmer speaker might be just what the doctor ordered to keep you from running out of the room. But just because you're no longer running from the room that potential band-aid is certainly no guarantee that you're getting one iota closer to the live performance. Zero volume will produce the same results.

You said most of the so-called neutral high-end systems sound like anything but real. My first question to you is, who ever told you those systems were neutral? Secondly, why did you believe them? The fact that you say they don't sound real should have been enough to convince you that they could not be neutral.

(If per chance you make these statements thinking that the best playback systems are fine as-is and it's the recordings that are all screwed up. If so, you would be in good company. But that is not my contention. In fact, mine is the opposite.)

Nevertheless, my point was that perhaps EVERY last system is seriously plagued with electronic and mechanical distortions and I was simply stating that your suggestion of adding warm speakers was not necessarily the correct way to go. I'll say it again.... Because until the cause of these deleterious distortions are properly diagnosed and remedied, rather than addressing their effects (like perhaps adding a warm speaker to tame an unexplainably cold, harsh, aggressive, and/or lean system), the chances are good to excellent that the so-called warm speaker you're thinking of is just adding a dose of another distortion to counter or balance out a previously unresolved distortion.

But to iterate another point and minimize potentially further confusion, my position is that since EVERY system is plagued with much electrical and mechanical distortion, then it must be an oxymoron to say that ANY such system could be correctly labeled as 'neutral'. At least until these deleterious distortions are properly diagnosed and resolved and I can assure you they have not.

Whereas your position appears to be that despite a system being plagued by such harmful distortions it can still be labeled as 'neutral'.

I obviously disagree but I would like to be clear that we're talking apples and oranges here about experiences, our definitions of a neutral system, as well as other things.

I agree with Elizabeth's viewpoint. Why? Because I admit it happened to me.

I also agree with Mapman. Recording techniques and goals vary by engineer, cd, genre/style (i.e.; popular, hip hop, jazz, rock, classical) time of recording (60's, 70's, 80's etc.), studio, and so on.

So if we can hear all these differences; good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant or whatever you want to call it, through our systems is that not a testament to the systems ability to reproduce the signal it is fed without adding its' own colorations? Neutrality? Isn't that one of the goals?

If a system were to make all recordings sound good (or bad for that matter) wouldn't that be a bad thing?

Once one comes to realize all recordings will sound different, you can put this behind you, kickback and enjoy!

To answer the question: I like all the music on my CDs. Most of them are recorded well enough that I can listen to them without a second thought. Some of them are less enjoyable sonically but I still like the music and listen to them anyway.

I have found personally that it is hard if not impossible to "have it all." When I had Spendor SP100s, their softer treble and slightly blunted transient attack made a lot of harsh sounding CDs easier on the ears. My current speakers don't do that, but they also show me a lot more about the recording in other ways, and that is very enjoyable too. It's all about the realistic trade-offs that the listener is willing to make within the limits of what they can afford, as well as what is possible in their listening room.
Having read all comments and given the subject some thought, I've come to a conclusion about my feelings about this issue. I like to listen to music that sounds good. I'm that way about it when I sit around the house playing guitar. I enjoy the sound of a well tuned instrument. I've always been that way about recorded music too. My wife will listen to a song and start singing along. She always remembers the lyrics. For her, the song is about the words. I can never remember lyrics. For me it has always been the sound. I WILL listen to old blues records and old recordings for the historical value and to listen to the way the musicians played. I can listen right through the primitive recordings and all the pops and sizzles and really appreciate the musicians. But when I'm laying back in my recliner trying to escape the vicissitudes of life it is all about the glorious sound. I rarely sit in the "sweet" spot. I'm usually off axis in my recliner. I enjoy sitting in the sweet spot but for me it involves moving a chair around. If I change rooms at some point then I will try to remedy this situation, but for now it is not so important for me to be in the sweet spot all the time. For me it is all about the tone and the clarity of the sound. But as always: Everybody's mileage will vary.

Having said all of this, what I would REALLY like to be doing right now is swinging in a hammock under a palm tree, sipping a cool one and listening to some Buffett blare through a Walmart boom box!
This tune off the surf music box set "Cowabunga"

Shoot That Curl

The song sounds fantastic plus there is over 2 minutes of beach waves breaking sound effects at the end that might fool you into thinking you are out hanging ten with your eyes closed.