What did you own in the 60's?

Here is one for the more mature folks here.

My first component system was a XAM 20 watt receiver, a Garrard 40B turntable with a 1 cent Grado cartridge, & a pair of XAM speakers with single 8" "full range" speakers. It was the house brand of EJ Korvette, a discount department store on Long Island. I probably would have done better if I could have talked my dad into going to Lafayette, but it was a longer trip.

I replaced the Garrard with a $91 AR XA in 1969. It was obvious that turntables sounded different, even to a 16 year old! I don't recall reading that in Stereo Review!
with the numbers that "rolled over" with an audible click each minute change ... I was born in 1966 so my high fi obsession did not start til much later
Electrovoice Patrician speakers, Marantz 7C & 8B. and a Thorens TD125 (still have this. I wonder how this would sound today-you don't see many Patricians around these days.
1966 one of the fold down record players playing the Stones and Paul Revere and the Raiders.
1969 got an LL Scott all in one record player/amp/tuner with some Magnavox speakers. Not a bad system comparatively. 70's got MUCH better though.
First system....( 1967 or so )Sansui 5000 with Miracord 50H T/T and Rectalinier 3 loudspeakers... Boy that sounded very impressive to me...
Tannoy, Thorens changer, gray v arm with table, Marantz and McIntosh electronics. Sold it all in the mid sixties to buy a house. Still have all the records.