The more vibrations you reduce to/from the amps the cleaner the notes will be. Will the sound be "better", if you like more defined notes and a tighter base I'll venture to say yes!!! Will the DVDs be a little "cleaner" when just the player is on the pedestal I think so, although a softer shelf like MDF with some vibration reduction devices between the pedestal and shelf would be better still.
Separating the amps will reduce/eliminate "cross talk" between the amps resulting in better channel separation, more definition in each channel and should improve the sound stage and imaging.
Personally I've found in general the "better" the rack/stand the "better" the sound, and Im at best half way up the ladder of possibilities in isolation from racks and platforms.
Separating the amps will reduce/eliminate "cross talk" between the amps resulting in better channel separation, more definition in each channel and should improve the sound stage and imaging.
Personally I've found in general the "better" the rack/stand the "better" the sound, and Im at best half way up the ladder of possibilities in isolation from racks and platforms.