Upgrade rack before Vibration Control?

I am using a salamander twin 20 rack, and have a universal player and DAC that could benefit from vibration isolation. I could upgrade my rack (only candidate is steve blinn design) and then start playing with aurios, stillpoints, symposium platforms and the like. My question is would this be worth the expense? Would the salamder rack work just as well after I applied the vibrisolation control that works best for me, or would there be any sonic benefits to getting the more sturdy and spiked steve blinn rack first?
I think the salamander is definatly upgradable first.I really dont think a 20 dollar rack would do your gear any favors.Build from ground up man.
I recently upgraded my rack to one of Steve Blinn's. It does an excellent job reducing mechanical-borne vibrations. I do use other vibration control products in combination with it, but in my case it's probably overkill. If I were you, I'd get the rack first.