Richard - An observation. I spent the weekend on the water boating and sometimes in the water - this was by accident as the temp is still only in the 70's. What was very obvious is that even with similar size boats but with different size/horsepower motors; the ones that had their prop set up properly....were able to skim the water, go on plane and performed far better than those similar boats with motors too large / long that had props that slugged lower through the water.
Where am I going with this ? Lets play crazy scientist again and assume that the prop in the water is like the tonearm's paddle in the oil.
I was puzzled with the big performance differences between your oil and non oil damped settings. Could your paddle be in the oil more; and the oil is acting as a cushion for your modded spindle as it goes back and forth with the lp? Just a thought. I am using just 1 cc of oil and the paddle is barely skimming the oil. fwiw - the oil in the trough also acts as a great visual level as well.
Are you a skimmer or a slugger ?
:^) fun hobby. Happy listening.
Where am I going with this ? Lets play crazy scientist again and assume that the prop in the water is like the tonearm's paddle in the oil.
I was puzzled with the big performance differences between your oil and non oil damped settings. Could your paddle be in the oil more; and the oil is acting as a cushion for your modded spindle as it goes back and forth with the lp? Just a thought. I am using just 1 cc of oil and the paddle is barely skimming the oil. fwiw - the oil in the trough also acts as a great visual level as well.
Are you a skimmer or a slugger ?
:^) fun hobby. Happy listening.