Ten audiophile commandments

What could it be?
So far I came up to one. If it sounds great - begin upgrading.
It is better to have stereo equip. in times of no money than money in times of no stereo equip.
Mine pertain to Swampwalker but are valid for all humans:

* Thy shall not wear only a speedo and rollerblades, especially in public

* Even if thou are stupideth enough to wear only a speedo and rollerblades in public, do noteth, under any circumstances, add insulteth to injuryeth and wear tights underneath when it is coldeth

* Dinner doth not consist of a bottle of Wild Turkey and a bucket of crawfish

* Thy shall take a bath and washeth thou smelly self and speedo at leasteth once a month, whether thou thinketh thy needeth it or not

* Thou shall not wash oneself by licking oneself like a cat, even if it lowers thy waterbill
Noble100, I like your last one. On the other hand, someone else washing you by licking should be permitted. To lower the waterbill.
Mine pertain to Swampwalker but are valid for all humans:
Noble100- I was wondering why you left yourself out, but then I read #4 ;~)

BTW, all self-respecting 'Goners know bourbon & crustaceans are for lunch, not dinner!