Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
I have always been a bit perplexed by the level of cynicism expressed by some audiophiles about audio mags; particularly TAS and Stereophile. I have come to the conclusion that many of us are closet reviewers; magazine writer wannabes. IMO, this level of cynicism is usually not warranted.

Sure, TAS is not what it used to be. But to declare that it is a worthless rag is absurd, and simply not true. IMO, anyone who insists that it is, simply doesn't know what he is talking about. Particularly for young audioplies, it can be an invaluable source of information. If anything, about the history of high-end audio. TAS has done more to promote the high-end in a way that is rooted in something resembling integrity than any other magazine. It has contributed more to the development of a meaningful audiophile lexicon than any other force in the high-end; certainly more than any other magazine. And most importantly, it (along with the early Stereophile) set a standard, and reference, for the judgment of components' sound: the sound of live music. Imagine that, that audio systems should sound like real music! Sorry, now I am showing my cynicism.

Mceljo, you wrote: "Before the mailing arrived I'd never heard of The Absolute Sound". IMO, the answer to your original question is a resounding YES! Usually good to excellent music recording reviews, interesting retrospectives about the history of the high-end, and audio reviewing. And audio reviews that while not at the level that they once were written, still sometimes demonstrate glimpses of the quality that was once routine (wether we agreed with the conclusions, or not). In general, exposure to writing that will expand your audio lexicon in a way that is rooted in some sort of standard. All for $14.95? Are you kidding me?
Both The Absolute Sound & Stereophile are a complete waste of money. Not to mention if your do decide to waste your money on either of them - they'll JUNK MAIL you to death every 3 months soliciting "re-uping" your subscription.

Save your money. Buy more vinyl.
Go to your local Barnes & Noble and read it and see if you like what you see.
hi frogman:

knowledge has nothing to do with attitude.

the idea expressed that "absolute sound is a worthless rag" can not be proven. it is a matter of opinion.

for you to say that such a person doesn't know what he is talking about is technically correct, as such a statement is an opinion. however, your implication is a disparaging remark which is completely uncalled for.

this forum should not be a place for ad hominem attacks, although i assume that your comment was not intended that way.

it is unfortunate that words like "knowlege" have been used improperly according to the strict definition of the term.

there is very little knowledge expressed in posts on these forums. knowledge can only be established using mathematics and/or logic, both absent in your statement(s).

rather they are opinions and perceptions based upon (one hopes) personal experience.

surely we can disagree without being disagreeable.
knowledge can only be established using mathematics and/or logic, both absent in your statement(s).

Mrtennis: is your contention that there is no observational/empirical knowledge? Might make it difficult to explain scientific discovery.

Yours in epistemology,