Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
Go to your local Barnes & Noble and read it and see if you like what you see.
hi frogman:

knowledge has nothing to do with attitude.

the idea expressed that "absolute sound is a worthless rag" can not be proven. it is a matter of opinion.

for you to say that such a person doesn't know what he is talking about is technically correct, as such a statement is an opinion. however, your implication is a disparaging remark which is completely uncalled for.

this forum should not be a place for ad hominem attacks, although i assume that your comment was not intended that way.

it is unfortunate that words like "knowlege" have been used improperly according to the strict definition of the term.

there is very little knowledge expressed in posts on these forums. knowledge can only be established using mathematics and/or logic, both absent in your statement(s).

rather they are opinions and perceptions based upon (one hopes) personal experience.

surely we can disagree without being disagreeable.
knowledge can only be established using mathematics and/or logic, both absent in your statement(s).

Mrtennis: is your contention that there is no observational/empirical knowledge? Might make it difficult to explain scientific discovery.

Yours in epistemology,

Mrtennis, I am sorry I upset your sensibilities; sensibilities seemingly rooted in political correctness. Beyond that, I offer no apology for what I wrote. Moreover, I believe you could not be more mistaken in your characterization of what I wrote, or the issue at hand; certainly, as concerns the issue of logic, or it's absence. And yes, even mathematics, or it's absence; issues that you raise in your own disagreeable comment about what I wrote. Why don't we start by practicing what we preach?

On the issue of disagreeability: Kindly explain to me how making an arguably disagreeable comment in response to someone else's, likewise, disagreeable comment about a publication's worth is more deserving of your scrutiny and lecturing than the original offense. Particularly when the publication in question is one which has been, faults aside, unquestionably influential in a positive way. (And yes, IMO anyone who refuses to acknowledge this is a curmudgeon with his head in the sand). Notice that I said IMO; just as I did when I made my original comments. Comments that you found so troublesome.

So, the basis of your argument is that the views which I "attacked" are opinions, and thus not provable. I made it clear that my comments are my opinion. So, what exactly is the problem? Additionally, my comments were an attempt to encourage someone with no knowledge about this publication to explore what it has to offer; a positive endeavor, I think. More positive than the unfounded, knee-jerk negativity expressed by many. That, to me, is logic of the highest order.

Now, on to the subject of mathematics: $14.95?

The cost of reading these advertisement controlled magazines is NOT the price of the subscription, but the cost of purchasing one of there world's best components and finding out it isn't. That is costly.They are paid for by the advertisers and will not give a negative review for fear they would pull the advertising.
Have Stereophile or TAS ever given a less then glowing review to a product whose company is running a full page colour advertisement?
Not recently.
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