Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
I have no problem with philosophical discussions but this poor guy asked our opinions on TAS.

Aww Rja, come on, both Mrtennis and I expressed views about TAS. Mrtennis is skeptical of the Mags value, while I, for the sort of reasons described in detail by Sgr, think many, if not most, hobbyists would get 30 bucks a year of value from subscribing to both TAS and Sp. So my advice, tempered by paper-consumption-guilt, is to try both.

Actually, the philosophical discussion helps contextualize Mrtennis' skeptical remarks on the Mags. He doesn't think the Mags are a source of knowledge, but as he's said, he doesn't think you have knowledge of what amp you own, what country you reside in, and how many children reside in your house, either. Good to know where people are coming from! ;)

My feeling is that TAS is a form of entertainment (with maybe a touch of knowledge thrown in occasionally), not philosophy, that's all.
Is it worth the price of admission @ $14.95? In my opinion it is. Pretty simple.
French Fries has it right. If you like audio get an audio magazine, something to look at and read when bored. I never understood why people think it is OK to trash magazines and their writers, who cares it is just a magazine. Most product magazines are the same be it an auto mag or boat mag or whatever it is, reviews are positive and informative. If you want negativity go go internet websites and forums...
I understand and agree with the ops that for the price, it's a no-brainer.

On the other hand, for those of us that were into the magazine (and all the others) 25-30 yrs ago, it's hard to reconcile today's version with what was, at the time, an extraordinary publication. It's NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, going to go back to the way it was so enjoy it for what it is today, audiophile porn!