Is it okay to talk around your speakers?

When a system is not on, should you avoid making any noise near the speakers? I am thinking about back EMF caused by the speaker cones moving and then sending voltage backwards into the crossover and the rest of the system - could this cause damage or even minor degradation to the sound quality after a while? Do you unhook the speakers when not in use just to be on the safe side?
Yes, speakers do remember the music they play very well. Whenever I play a song I have played before the speakers sound the same. It's as if they remember every note.
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hehehe! i did not really mean remember each note for note like a CD Recorder. I just wonder if there is something that can happen. For example, maybe the type of music played on new speakers sets up a general vibe forever. Like maybe it sets up a magnetic field in crossover or even aligns electrons in the cables and wires a certain way and they tend to stay that way for a while.

Okay, if you are still with me. When I had college physics, we put dust in a clear plastic horizontal tube and then played a pure sound wave in the tube. The dust, after a while, ends up in little piles spaced at the wave length of the sound (I think it is one wave). This prooves that sound caused high and low pressure areas. It travels in a compression type wave. You don't want speakers in a high pressure area IF you played the same bass Hz for a long enough time. or is it the low pressure area?
Its ok so long as you speak in tongues. Most speakers understand english and don't care for non singing voices,. I would unplug them at night so they get a goodnight's rest. Messaging their backs put them in a good mood but some candlelight really enhances the effect. Mostly, after a day and night of playing tunes they like being left alone to ponder all the notes they've played. Since they're mostly twins they have a telepathic relationship with their other half and i think they dream in song. Pretend your in a library and you should be o.k.