Is it okay to talk around your speakers?

When a system is not on, should you avoid making any noise near the speakers? I am thinking about back EMF caused by the speaker cones moving and then sending voltage backwards into the crossover and the rest of the system - could this cause damage or even minor degradation to the sound quality after a while? Do you unhook the speakers when not in use just to be on the safe side?
I live alone.. so it's problematic for me to be talking around my speakers.... usaully I just talk to them.

How you guys doing? Like the new Obamama health plan? What did you think about that Yemen thingy the other day? How about them S. F. Giants!

All that said, at times, I talk around my speakers, but never about my speakers ... while they are in ear shot anyhow.

Why boost their egos, give them cause for anxiety, or anger them needlessly?

Speakers should be kept like mushrooms... out of direct sunlight, fed lots of juice, and in cool dark places.
Gentlemen&Lady, you may not be aware of the seminal paper co-authored by Italian computational neurologist Stefano cappa and by Dr. Aloysius Schmaltzenstein Gavronsky: Physical mapping of electronic reverse transcriptase in cognitive neuro-acoustic networks (Journal of Pseudo- Causality, No. 37, February 29th 2009, PP. 345-398). In this rather long paper, the authors demonstrate how the progressive accretion of electron clouds nodal loci caused by the prolongued effect of external acousto-mechanical stimulation of dynamic drivers yieldss a hereto undetected reverse-transcriptase-driven rise in size of prion proteins in pre-spongiform encephalitis cases. The prion protein particles gain in mass by up to 250% in a matter of weeks when exposed to clumped EMF created by acoustic stimulation of said speaker systems.
In turn, the exponentially virulent hypertrophic prion particles have provoked dangerously uncontrolled audiophrenic seizures in otherwise outwardly normal individuals, who have immediately 'invested' in uber-expensive hyper-sensitive and extremely high-strung speakers, with disastrous consequences to their credit limit, and to their marriages.

Folks, please don't talk to your speakers... Sheer hell will follow!
I wouldn't mention this to anyone else outside the Audiogon community, especially someone who may be able to commit you.
My calendar says Nov 7, 2010; did I fall into a time warp and it is now actually April 1, 2011?
This is reminiscent of a long time research project of mine" Do speakers talk to themselves when there is no one there to hear them?". Have had trouble designing a research model to test this; all suggestions welcome. Dr Stanley Wallen BA, MA, BD, PhD, OF