Is it okay to talk around your speakers?

When a system is not on, should you avoid making any noise near the speakers? I am thinking about back EMF caused by the speaker cones moving and then sending voltage backwards into the crossover and the rest of the system - could this cause damage or even minor degradation to the sound quality after a while? Do you unhook the speakers when not in use just to be on the safe side?
How odd... I am sure I had posted already this delightful hermetic poem by one of the most unsung bards of our days. Mayhaps it fell victim to the vagueries of the benign 'probi viri' who so lovingly oversee all our Agonic deeds, and protect us from 1st amendment self-harm?

Yet, I thought the verses resonated profoundly with the escatological angst that permanes so many of us suffering audiophiles... Are any of our actions, words, or even occasional unkindly thoughts... harming our audio systems?

So, here are again, the immortal words of the transcendental genius of Donald Rumsfeld:

"As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld


I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say your post followed a lengthy evening of disinformation gathering and transcendental mediation.

I'd invite you to acquire as did I, this precept:

it ain't what you know that gives you the most consternation, it's what you know that just ain't so that confounds and confuses.... speakers are no different. They say quite often, "Right here is fine bud." however we later find out, they were only partially right, and need further relocationing... sometimes the relocating is in someone else' home.

It's only thereafter that we rediscover via the next few pairs of replacements that we'd as soon have back those we relocated initially when the upgrade flu overtook us..
I'd be very careful if you have any house plants nearby. The plants may become violent out of jealousy and let your room fill up with C02.