Tubes in the Dark?

Here's a question for all of us tube-o-philes (all SS patrons are welcome to snicker to your heart's content...). I was fortunate to be able to put together a dedicated listening room and one of the attractions of it is that I can make it very dark inside, even during the daytime (only one window and I have it covered tightly with sound absorption panels). I have always preferred listening with my eyes closed so as not to distract my auditory images with confusing visuals....AND I LOVE the glow of tubes in the dark... especially power output tubes on my mono-blocs... I'm sure thousands of fellow audiophiles just uttered to themselves "Me too"... Now here's my question, : I have recently acquired a tube amp with the output tubes in the back (which will be used [for bi-amping] in addition to my other amps), and therefore not readily visible/on display as my regular amps (CJ Premier 12's)... would you do what I've been doing lately and actually turning the amp around backwards just to enjoy the magnificent glow they make into the room (the additional amp features 4 glorious 300B output tubes). I'm actually thinking of building my own stand for it such that it would hide all the visible I/C's Spkr cables and power cord...just to make it extra "neat looking" while the lights are on during off hours.... Am I being too extreme? Where would you draw the line? Let the wires show and who cares? or turn it into a custom made temple of form-fitting eccentric looking glow-in-the-dark glory of audio bliss... Call me a 'deep-end swimmer' if you will, but you really need to see it to appreciate it. Just my 2 cents of thought. Thanks for any input.
Will you be my new best friend???????

Do you like to drink red wine? Pinot, from Oregon perhaps?

Am I getting ahead of myself?

I can envision a mirror setup maybe 10" X 14" you could slide up to the back of the amp. You could get creative with a hardwood base and some brass rod from a welding shop maybe? Angle the mirror slightly forward until the tubes are in clear view from your listening position.

I could eat up a couple of weekends working on such a project. I think mood lighting is very important when listening to music ... I have a couple of neon lights in my little man cave. On rainy winter nights I get a fire going and flip on the neon. Couple glasses of vino or a few good NW beers and I am ready for tunes.
Tubes are fascinating devices to look at for sure.

Nothing wrong with a nice presentation.

Sunlight is much healthier though (in proper quantities).