If upgrades were no longer possible would you be

satisfied with what you have? I would. My system is probably average by most audiophile standards but I love it. Nothing wrong with the constant quest to improve but still, if it doesn't get any better than this for me I'm not upset.
Yep. More than anything else I'd like to improve the listening room. The rest of the system is great! No need for changes, I'd be very happy to keep it as-is. I would not be satisfied leaving the room as it is however.
Been on the upgrade merry go round, its much nicer being happy and secure with what you have. To be honest I sometimes look back with a bit of shame at how much I worried over all this. Dont get me wrong I love it but when I first joined I was not paying attention to whats really important. I chased gear instead of music and I will never go backwards, if this is the lst system I ever have and it never changes, as long as its performing as it should I could live with no upgrades.
i,m very satisfied because i set criteria before starting on the current setup. if i win lotto then watch out because the criteria bar will definitely go up. til then i am satisfied with switching 2nd system components to my main system and experimenting w/o spending money right now. i put the money into music now. good question.
I was singing that same song a couple of years ago.
Just wish I would practice what I preach.
Of course my friends don't help. One just talked me into trying a pair of interconnects. Now I have a pair on order.
This is easy for me to say as I'm awaiting my last upgrade. I had the fortune to hear an earlier version of it (won it used) so it naturally whetted my appetite.
My search is over.

Strike that: I 'need' to upgrade my power cords to match the other cables in my system.
And maybe some room acoustic treatment.
A panel here and there.