
To all audiophiles and music lovers I wish you Merry Christmas
A few weeks ago my wife asked me what I wanted for Xmas.
What other answer could there be - "something for my stereo I said". Same answer I've given her for 18 years. I have a B&K MC101 preamp, AUNE DAC arriving in a few days.
It's a good time of the year to appreciate family, and audio/music.


yes... back at you.

it's good we have at least one reminder each year to be of service to others, and possess a charitable spirit.


I think everything I buy from Halloween to the end of the year counts as a Christmas present.

This year only one item went into the electronics, not counting music and DVD... a new sound card got added and it made a worthwhile impact IMHO.

otherwise I just got clothes, shoes, underwear, a portable table saw, 30 gal 2 HP compressor, framing nail gun, adjustable roller stand, and some asst. air tools.

With any luck at all my handle wont' have to change from 'blindjim' to 'Mr. Nubby'.
Blindjim-a framing nail gun? I guess you aren't blind? Either that or nuts!
Happy Holidays :-)
Merry Christmas to all ! God Bless this Country. And Enjoy your Life!

This year I started into Computer Audio. I never thought I would. But the Squeezebox Touch changed all of that. A unit that I thought I would use for occasional listening, turned into my primary source.

Latest of my other Toys bought this year include...

2 TB Hard Drives
Monarchy Combo to be used with SQ Touch
several digital cables to be used with SQ Touch
Ground Controls / Ground Enhancers
Detail Magnifiers