I also think Chuck's speaker cables and such are more resolving than your anti cables. So maybe more details/resolution are heard in Chuck's system.
Hi Joe. This is certainly possible, though I don't know that it effects the likelihood of either scenario I described in my last post.
I suppose there is an argument to be made that Chuck's system, if it is more resolving, might reveal characteristics of the XA30.5 that are inaudible in my system. But I have a hard time believing that any additional resolution would reveal "bloom" as a consistent characteristic of the amp. I could be wrong about that. I also could be wrong about what Chuck has in mind when he uses the term "bloom." It seems there is some difference of opinion about what that term means.
My description of the XA30.5 is based on hearing it in two different systems (mine and a friend's). I have also heard other Pass amps from the XA.5 series in other settings, including some systems that are very revealing by any standard. It is on the basis of those experiences that I have characterized the XA30.5 as "neutral," rather than having "bloom." Of course, other people familiar with the XA30.5 may have different experiences and different opinions, which I am certainly open to hearing.