Decent Power Conditioner in the $ 300-$400s?


I am looking for a decent power conditioner in the $300-$400 price range, used. It is for my second system that already has a dedicated line, but only two sockets. The system:

Eastern Electric Minimax Tube CD player
Wavac 811 amplifier
Kcs custom made monitors
Hsu VTF1 pair of subs.

I don't have any idea of units in this price range. I use an Exactpower in my main system, but I don't need such level of performance in my second system. Many thanks for your help. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
PS Audio Quintet is good; it is a filter and gives protection against surges. Most of the cheaper ones I know of make the sound worse, these don't. I just bought a second one on here. New they are $400 from Audio Advisor; AA has a return policy if you don't like your purchase. Look at Stereophile review.
And if 10 outlets are too many, there's the PS Audio Duet, only 4 outlets, otherwise same as the Quintet.
They go for $200 max used on Audiogon with best deals ringing at $125 - $150