child-free environment?

Quick poll: who here on Agon has kids under 10 years old in the house? And of those, who lets their kids listen to their audio system (supervised or unsupervised)? Anser "kids yes / no" and "listen yes / no / N/A"

Everyone selling gear on Agon tends to advertise that the gear was kept in a smoke-free, pet-free, and child-free. environment. I understand it's important to assure the buyer that the amp doesn't wreak of smoke, the speaker grilles haven't been used to sharpen cat claws, and the speaker cones aren't trashed by the exploring fingers of a toddler. But if it's about the music, rather than the equipment, then who wouldn't want to share it with those they love the most? And who wouldn't want to raise their kids to understand the value of good sound and a respect for precision equipment? But that's just my bias. My 4 year old twins love dancing to Gordon Goodwin and my 2 month old twins find Nina Simone's voice more soothing than mine. Looking forward to seeing some poll data!
I am encouraged to hear so many say they want the kids to have an appreciation of good music and good sounding music!

I think if they have good sounding tunes then they will strive to find more music they like. Broadening their horizons.


Children are different than adults. They are in the process of learning. They will make mistakes. They will test boundaries. Many children will not be diagnosed with developmental delays until after the age of two. Many children have died from pulling TV's onto themselves. Early teaching is a supervised activity. Please use caution and proper risk management protocols with those that have neither the maturity, knowledge or responsibility to consistently make proper decisions.
well said Unsound. at the end of the day, a crunched dust cap isn't that important. Some equipment (and all that electricity) on the other hand can be hi risk to little ones.
So far the posts range from "kids can't kill a krell" to "a krell could kill a kid" (paraphrasing of course). But one concept that is agreed upon unanimously is that the children are the top priority, whether from a safety or learning perspective. Unsound, as a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, I couldn't agree more about the need for proper supervision in activities that pose risk of injury to children. (Are you a lawyer?) But as a dad of two sets of twins under 5, I would rather expose my children to the risks of good sound (supervised around the electricity) than the risks of ATVs and monkey bars. Nonetheless, amen to Bdgregory's "who cares about a dustcap" comment!

Keep the posts (replete with childhood anecdotes) coming!
yes a 4 yr old son. he loves jack johnson
with supervison he helps me with cleaning records on the vpi 16.5. So far he hasn't destroyed anything
i hope he continues to enjoy music
