A tale of WAF

A buddy of mine just installed a rather refrigerator sized Bagend Speakers the other day. It was quite hilarious hearing him trying trying to explain these are great becasue we can play are music through them on music night and just plug everything in the mixer and it will be awesome!

Her instant response in the beginning in these words. We can play music through a smaller speaker!!

He works in the home theater install trade part time and completely cracked up learning that there was a term in audio that kills system quicker than surges, blown woofers, and exploding amps the almighty WAF.
Recently I got a Custom Power Cord Top Gun cable. She looked at it and said: "Now that's a cable!". She heard improvement in sound too. Don't marry a woman who doesn't appreciate fine things, that's all. This WAF subject is a complete bullshit.
Ncarv, "sorry honey,...there's the door... oh, behind that big speaker. Oh, don't let the speaker hit you in the @$$ on your way out. (me bad) JBL 4550's in the living room.
I have never had an issue with the wife over the stereo system or where it is setup. This last setup was her suggestion. I took our bedroom, the largest room in the house and another small room next to it. I removed the wall between the two rooms and made one large room. I designed the room. Other than using the room she stays out of how it looks. She does make suggestions but does not get upset when I say no way. She even shows it off when her friends from work come over. BTW we moved our bedroom to the first floor.
Nice! Keep the original bedroom. You lovebirds can have a sweet suite! (tweet tweet)
At first I thought the topic was a tale of WTF. Then to see the WAF it was to laugh. I have THE COOLEST audio gal ever. She not only tolerates 2 pairs of Acoustat 2 + 2s and a 7 foot subwoofer in the HT, she puts up with the cable elevator maze in the 2 channel room and has never ever asked me how much anything cost. In fact, she is so cool with my audio addiction that she not only suggested we put the K-horns in our bedroom but she helped me carry them up a flight of stairs!
The point raised above about making sure you have balance in all interests is paramount. Family and life come first for me. Music comes next followed by the stuff that helps me enjoy it ( that would be the gear).