A tale of WAF

A buddy of mine just installed a rather refrigerator sized Bagend Speakers the other day. It was quite hilarious hearing him trying trying to explain these are great becasue we can play are music through them on music night and just plug everything in the mixer and it will be awesome!

Her instant response in the beginning in these words. We can play music through a smaller speaker!!

He works in the home theater install trade part time and completely cracked up learning that there was a term in audio that kills system quicker than surges, blown woofers, and exploding amps the almighty WAF.
The term synergy is used here often. Abucktwoeighty defines and finds it very well!!
Inna, your wife must not be use to seeing you holding a big cable (sorry couldnt resist)
I have 100% control in the music room , she has 100% control every where else . Works for me .
In our last place (our first apartment together), I proposed the agreement that I get the loft/finished attic as a 'man cave,' and she can decorate the rest of the place. Worked out better than I thought it would...

I didn't have to help pick out curtains, area rugs, etc. When she asked what I though, I'd bring up the 'your space, my space' agreement. I wasn't a complete dick about it though, as I helped if she wasn't sure between two different things. My wife and I have pretty similar taste in things, so that definitely helped. She'd make suggestions to help make my space look better. Most things she suggested were pretty good.

We've moved recently due to our first child being born. The stereo is now in the living room. She doesn't complain about it. She knows how much I use and enjoy it. I descreetly (not hiding it from her) marked off the best sounding position for my speakers. When I'm using the stereo, I move them to that spot. When I'm not, I have them out of the way against the wall. No one's stepping around them or bumping into them.

Life is about compromises. Too many people are too resistant to it. Making my wonderful wife happy makes me happy. Making me happy makes my wife happy. It's too bad some people haven't figured that out.